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Escort Brussels


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Brussels is a city in Belgium, the capital of the Kingdom of Belgium. It is the largest city in the kingdom. The city has a great diversity of cultures and languages ​​according to its affiliation with the United Netherlands, the French or the German community. Every tenth Belgian lives in an impressive 161 square kilometers. That means: more than 1.2 million inhabitants find space here. Most of them don't even live here, after all, Brussels is also the capital of the European Union. The impressive imposing buildings and the relaxed, friendly population make the city something special.

The city of Brussels has a very eventful history. Over the centuries, Brussels has been part of the Roman Empire as well as part of the French, Dutch and German empires.

For more than 200 years the city was the capital of the Netherlands, from 1815 of the Belgian Republic and is one of the largest metropolises in Europe.

There are many places of interest in Brussels, such as the Atomium, the largest and highest university building in the world, the Grand-Place, the Tuileries Royal Palace, the great Cathedral of Notre-Dame, the Leopold Palace and the Brussels Opera.

Sights for Brussels

When you think of Brussels, you automatically think of the Atomium - if you've been here before. This landmark is so well-known that it's easy to forget the city's most famous sights. The Atomium has a mystery: its spherical shape, which has never been matched by an iron molecule magnified 165 billion times.

It's not just the stunning aesthetics that made the Atomium such a success. They go well together: the spheres represent electricity, which, in this symbol, is everything.

The capital these days is full of high-tech fun. In the Royal Museum of Art and History z. For example, twice as many exhibits are shown as in the National Gallery of Art in Washington.

Mini-Europe is an amusement park with a multitude of attractions in miniature format. Here you can find all European countries in small form. The Atomium of Brussels is the symbol of Mini-Europe, which has sprung from the ground in a garden near the Belgian capital.

Mini-Europe is a dream come true for children, but adults also come here to learn about European history in an easy and fun way.

The main offices of the Members of the European Parliament are located in Brussels. A visit to the Hemicycle is a great way to soak up the atmosphere of the world's largest transnational parliament and learn more about its powers and role. The plenary table is located in the upper part of the building. From here, three main staircases lead down to the various halls.

As you descend the stairs for the first time, you see the gallery of the plenary table on the upper floor, where most of the 300 MPs are seated. Once you have reached the bottom, you will see the three rooms, all located in one building: the meeting room, the media room and the meeting room of the committees.

  • Manneken Pis

Brussels is full of beautiful fountain figures. In addition to the large belfry, the most well-known small child in the Belgian kingdom is right at the forefront. And Manneken-Pis isn't old at all: the little guy has only been a fixture on the town's sleeve since the 17th century.

But that's not his only secret: Manneken-Pis is not only the darling of the people of Brussels, but also a popular art object. He has appeared in numerous works from paintings to cartoons. But the many tourists who make a pilgrimage through the city also appreciate the funny little fellow.

PS: there is also the female counterpart Jaenneke Pis in Delirium Village.

Moules Frites is not only the national dish of Belgium, it is something special that is not known in other countries! And what better choice than in Brussels, where you can find mussels on every corner!

But what exactly is a moules frites? It's all in the mix, the delicacy consists of roasted fresh mussels, fried chips, sauce and herbs.

They are particularly delicious at Chez Jacques.

Matonge, the neighborhood in Kinshasa on the Rue Baquiére, initially seems like a tourist playground. 40 African restaurants offer an impressive bouquet of African specialties. Among other things you can find: sweet potatoes, chicken tajines, cassoulet, risotto from the north, corn balls. An African restaurant not only has African dishes, but also African art on the walls.


Coco's insider tip:

Cabaret Mademoiselle

There is a place in Brussels where the lines between gay and straight cease to exist. It's a place where live music is nothing special alongside stand-up comedy, makeup, dancing and a break for a drink.

There you will find Cabaret Mademoiselle, located somewhere between burlesque, circus, freak show with brilliant drag queens and stand-up comedians. The drinks menu is predominantly Belgian: Belgian Mangos (draft beer, Brussels microbreweries, wines and a selection of spirits naturally brewed in Belgium).